Eating Disorder Awareness Week – What comes after?

My favorite thing about Eating Disorder Awareness Week is that for one week, people are talking about eating disorders in a way that inspires hope for change.  At the end of every February, everywhere I look I see posts about the prevalence, the symptoms, the...


Mental Health Awareness and Action You may have heard that May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I hereby motion to amend the title and make it Awareness AND Action Month. We have a lot of work to do, and there is no time to waste. We have been in a world health...


March Forth It’s been a year of the pandemic: loss, illness, change, uncertainty, loneliness, disruption, financial stress, political upheaval, social and racial reckoning. Whew, what a year. I don’t know about you but I feel exhausted, worried about how what we have...


Breathe. Be. Believe. January is always a time to reflect on the year that has been and make big wishes and resolutions for the year ahead. This year especially, many of us are eager to say goodbye to 2020 and look forward to “happier, healthier” times. As eager as we...